
Fantasy Novel Review: Saint Death’s Daughter by C.S.E. Cooney

The marketing of C.S.E. Cooney’s Saint Death’s Daughter did absolutely nothing to appeal to me. Queer coming-of-age? Could be good, but not a selling point in itself. Features necromancers? That’s probably a negative, to be honest. Comparisons to Gideon the Ninth? Absolutely a negative. But enough bookish friends liked it that I decided to give… Continue reading Fantasy Novel Review: Saint Death’s Daughter by C.S.E. Cooney


Fantasy Novel Review: Self-Portrait with Nothing by Aimee Pokwatka

As a long-time lover of portals and multiverses, the description of Aimee Pokwatka’s debut novel Self-Portrait With Nothing immediately caught my eye. And when it was singled out for praise in Amal El-Mohtar’s Best of 2022 list, I determined to seek it out as soon as I could.  Self-Portrait with Nothing follows Pepper, a forensic… Continue reading Fantasy Novel Review: Self-Portrait with Nothing by Aimee Pokwatka


Sci-fi Novel Review: The Last Gifts of the Universe by Rory August

The first round of the second annual Self-Published Science Fiction Competition (SPSFC2) has ended, and my team has hand-picked three semifinalists to send to two other teams of fellow judges. In return, we have received six semifinalists from two other judging teams, which we will read before the end of April. One that I was… Continue reading Sci-fi Novel Review: The Last Gifts of the Universe by Rory August


Horror Novella Review: One Hand to Hold, One Hand to Carve by M. Shaw

I’m not usually much of a horror fan, but M. Shaw caught my attention with their unsettling short story “Man vs Bomb”—one of the best I read in 2021—and the premise of their weird horror novella One Hand to Hold, One Hand to Carve was intriguing enough for me to close 2022 by taking a… Continue reading Horror Novella Review: One Hand to Hold, One Hand to Carve by M. Shaw

Top Lists · Year in Review

Tarvolon’s 2022 Recommended Reading List: Award Season Edition

I posted the first edition of my 2022 Recommended Reading List back in early December. But then everyone else posted their own lists, and there’s no better way to blow up a favorites list than spending a couple months reading everyone else’s favorites. There was a lot of amazing sci-fi and fantasy published in 2022,… Continue reading Tarvolon’s 2022 Recommended Reading List: Award Season Edition