
Sci-fi Novel Review: The Mountain in the Sea by Ray Nayler

This review is based on an eARC (Advance Reading Copy) provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. The Mountain in the Sea will be released on October 4, 2022. A couple months back, when I saw Ray Nayler’s debut novel pop up on NetGalley, the “philosophical thriller about the nature of consciousness”… Continue reading Sci-fi Novel Review: The Mountain in the Sea by Ray Nayler

Top Lists · Year in Review

Tarvolon’s 2022 Recommended Reading List: Award Season Edition

I posted the first edition of my 2022 Recommended Reading List back in early December. But then everyone else posted their own lists, and there’s no better way to blow up a favorites list than spending a couple months reading everyone else’s favorites. There was a lot of amazing sci-fi and fantasy published in 2022,… Continue reading Tarvolon’s 2022 Recommended Reading List: Award Season Edition

Top Lists · Year in Review

Tarvolon’s 2022 Recommended Reading List: Holiday Edition

It’s been a good year of reading, and I have already amassed quite a few favorites–more than enough to throw my hat into the ring with another entry in “Best of the Year” season. But with so many annual favorites posts reshuffling the TBR, I recognize that today’s post is far from final. There will… Continue reading Tarvolon’s 2022 Recommended Reading List: Holiday Edition

Monthly Round-Up

September 2022 Round-up and Short Fiction Focus

I’ve been blogging for nearly two years now, but I’m still changing up how I handle short fiction reviews, given that I’ll sometimes read individual stories as they catch my eye and sometimes read anthologies straight through. This month, I’ve decided to experiment with reading some web magazines straight through, while leaving space for picking… Continue reading September 2022 Round-up and Short Fiction Focus


Sci-fi/Fantasy Collection Review: Lost Places by Sarah Pinsker

I first read Sarah Pinsker when “Two Truths and a Lie” was a Hugo Award finalist for Best Novelette in 2021 (it won). Three or four stories later, she’d become one of my absolute favorite short story authors, and picking up a copy of her second collection, Lost Places, was an easy decision.  Lost Places… Continue reading Sci-fi/Fantasy Collection Review: Lost Places by Sarah Pinsker


Time Warp Book Bingo: 25 Books for Two Cards (2015, 2023)

As I have each year since the pandemic, I’ve not only completed a full card in the r/Fantasy Bingo Challenge, I’ve completed one with its own special theme. I love the way the challenge churns through my TBR and brings to my attention books I otherwise would never have noticed or would have let languish… Continue reading Time Warp Book Bingo: 25 Books for Two Cards (2015, 2023)